Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pumpkin Pie

Alright, I know I'm a little behind on my holiday blogging.  BUT, I was so so soooo happy about pumpkin pie this year, that I felt it deserved its own post. :)  Even one holiday over, hehe.

Thanksgiving in Paris is... how shall I say it? non-existent.  And my very favorite part of Thanksgiving is pumpkin pieee!!  So, this year, I was determined to make one by myself.

I have never made any pie by myself in my whole life.

But this was the year!  So I googled two million pumpkin pie recipes and realized first of all that I had one big problem: they don't sell pumpkin puree here!  Which meant I would have to make it from scratch... out of REAL pumpkin!  Oh la la... :)  But luckily I had my brand new hand-held blender and was up to the task.  So I employed Bruno for a night of baking, pureeing, and pumpkin pie making. :)  Here's what it looked like:

Haha, just kidding.  Here's what it looked like after Bruno and the pumpkin worked out their issues:

Now, I should take a brief pause to say that Bruno and the pumpkin really did have issues.  When I first told him that Americans made pies out of pumpkin, he was like, "Whaaatttt?!?!  That's gross!!"  So I had to explain to him that it actually tasted delicious and that he had to try it to really understand how glorious it was.  Still, not so convinced.  But he agreed to make the pie with me just to humor me.  :)

We mixed the pumpkin, then a bunch of other ingredients and spices in!  The batter tasted amaaazing, but I didn't wanna get my hopes up too soon.  Next came the crust.  Luckily, I found a store-bought one all ready to roll out, so I was able to close about 20 google tabs on crust-making. :)

And then... filling time!!!

Drumroll pleaseeeee.....

It was soooooo good!!!!!!!  So good that I made another one that weekend.  So good that after I went to the kitchen to get myself a second slice, I heard a small voice call out: "Can I 'ave anozer piece too?"  Victoryyyyyy!!!!!!!!

And that, my friends, is how we make pumpkin pie. ;)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Aunbon's Back in Town!

My friends.  My very dear friends.  So much has happened since I last blogged!!!!!

But the time has come at last for young grasshopper to pick up her pen again.  Or iPad.  Whatever.

What has happened since my last blog post, oh... a year-and-a-half ago??  Well, for starters, remember that boy with the melons in my last blog post?  Mmhmm.  Mmmmmmhmmmmm.  I fell in love with him.  Like, head-over-heels, WHAT-IS-HAPPENING?!?!!, ahhhhhhhh-isn't-the-world-so-magical, whyyyy-is-there-an-ocean-between-us?? in love with him.  And so, here I am, LIVING in Paris with this amazing wonderful boy. :)  This is pretty much what I feel like every time I look into his eyes:

Now, what else has happened, you might ask?  Well....I released my very first EP in August!!!!!!!  Which also partly explains the lack of blog posts.  Hehe... yesss, let's go with that reason.  In all seriousness, I have never worked so hard or been so proud of any project in my life.  Hours and hours spent holed up in my room working on edits (ok, I actually had a preeetttty comfy set-up for that part in my bed :)), random 3am recording sessions to add new instrument parts, and then notes and notes and more notes.  In the end I was literally pulling my hair out (ok, not literally, but it sounds really dramatic and captures the atmosphere quite well) over minuscule decisions regarding things probably no one cares about.  But the end result?  My very own 6-song mini-album that I am soooo ecstatic to have made.  And getting to share it with the world has been an amazing gift.

You can check it out on iTunes here!
Anyway, this is just a little recap of my life since my last post, and of course, in my blogs to come I will go into more detail about my apartment, various projects, and travel adventures.  But no blogpost is complete without a P.O.T.D. (Pastry of the Day).  So today, I'm going with a classic.  Chocolate eclair, baby!!!

Gros bisous!!
xo aunbon